anthonastro - astrologer, writer, creator

Astrology: Through Difficulty To The Stars

“I think so many of us come to astrology out of a place of grief. I know it's not everyone, but personally, I see astrology as a friend. It's a soft pillow that catches us, it reflects our lives at us and offerts the promise that whatever we’ve faced, whatever we continue to face, it's temporary.”

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My Practice 

Astrology exists in our every day. It breathes with us in each moment, and that's the beauty of it. It doesn't depend on our faith, our awareness or our participation. With or without us, the world spins, the planets dance, and creation extends.

I came to astrology from a place many of us are familiar with. The pain which change can protrude can feel sudden, cruel and paramount, to the extent that all degrees of explanation feel futile. Astrology became a friend, a tangible opportunity to witness myself in space and time. In understanding its tools, I began to shade the colours of my individuality and from there, the possibilities extended indefinitely.

I take a holistic approach to my astrological practice - holding faith in self-understanding, growth and penitent release. I hope for astrology to meet with humility, delicacy and tolerance for the past, presence and future alike. Together - I'd like for us to witness your modes of self-actualisation, internal comprehension and future direction. We will discover the roadmap within the nativity of your birth chart, a pathway to the existence you duly receive. We will collaborate your nativity with the present moment, amalgamating our consultation with an oracle from the historic I Ching, providing you with ancient Taoist wisdom on how to push forward alongside the toolbox of your chart.

I'm an ongoing student of astrology, embracing the literature, resources and education of the Hellenistic tradition, preferring to operate using the tropical, classical planets and their rulers. Taking inspiration from contemporaries such as Austin Coppock, Chris Brennan, Kira Ryberg and Patrick Watson, as well as traditional works from Abu Ma'shar and Vettius Valens, I blend a comprehensive blend of techniques to delineate your natal chart into something digestible. I emphasise that I am a student and I am continually learning. I believe that with a firm question and a focus on outcomes, we can navigate the terrain of astrology, self-affirmation, growth and oracle-telling together. Join me as we venture onto your astrological island, building a delicate pathway through the far-away stars and back, to arrive safely home.

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Per aspera ad astra
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